Dell Laptop 5520 Multi Problems
📌 Product: – Laptop Dell Inspiron 5520
🤔 Problem: – No Power and connection Adopter Light of Adopter goes off(19 V Short).
🛠 Motherboard P/N: – LA-82413
🔍 💊💉 Diagnosis & Solutions: –
Check and found one pf short in 19V Line remove this 19 Volt problem solve but 3/5 not generating.
Customer was to busy and he bring it to my home for repair next day he has a presentation in office. So I need quick solution . For schematic ask on SK Bhashir Sir Telegram paid group sir provide quick support. Then I started my diagnosis for 3/5 IC requirement all are ok only en-trip is not tiger so check ENTRIP origin found Q201 controlling this ENTRIP and it’s base not get any voltage whether customer have no time so I remove it and short Pin 1 with 3 ENTRIP generated 3/5 OK .
After providing NBSWON Laptop Started and in USB/Keyboard get LED Blink so as theoretically display is generated.
But after connecting Display there DIM display issue. so again check for LVDS requirements fond DISPOFF have no voltage so again not put jumper from 3VS to this section. Display back-light come . I have provide it to customer he is happy problem resolved.
**Only Jumper Work done due to customer have not time but I suggest every one find why this signal and voltage not come to actual location and solve . Jumper solution is only quick remedy not permanent solution .